modest violet

modest violet


your future hasn't written yet. no one's has.
by Emmett Lathrop "Doc" Brown





使用しているVirtual BOXの仮想環境がオフライン(非インターネット接続)であった為、aptが面倒という理由でNFSサービスを使わない方向で行こう!と暴走。

各サーバーからはキチンと読み書き出来たので大丈夫と思いきや、REST APIからスナップショットの指示を出すとrepository_verification_exceptionエラーが出た。


    "error": {
        "root_cause": [
                "type": "repository_verification_exception",
                "reason": "[mv_backup] [[Sup7NQqXQVaT1maJ49ajpg, 'RemoteTransportException[[node72][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[mv_backup] a file written by master to the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] cannot be accessed on the node [{node72}{Sup7NQqXQVaT1maJ49ajpg}{AOI8z2v7QzeohCBSFoZHRA}{}{}{ml.enabled=true}]. This might indicate that the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] is not shared between this node and the master node or that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node];'], [mHR3zxDqQCqDvGNBxUF2tw, 'RemoteTransportException[[node73][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[mv_backup] a file written by master to the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] cannot be accessed on the node [{node73}{mHR3zxDqQCqDvGNBxUF2tw}{BwILk21wR4GlJaWDy-DHFg}{}{}{ml.enabled=true}]. This might indicate that the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] is not shared between this node and the master node or that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node];'], [XEgaW0CvQt-02VEczOmHoA, 'RemoteTransportException[[node71][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[mv_backup] a file written by master to the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] cannot be accessed on the node [{node71}{XEgaW0CvQt-02VEczOmHoA}{WMgwMgp_QLae61ux_xPqtA}{}{}{ml.enabled=true}]. This might indicate that the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] is not shared between this node and the master node or that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node];']]"
        "type": "repository_verification_exception",
        "reason": "[mv_backup] [[Sup7NQqXQVaT1maJ49ajpg, 'RemoteTransportException[[node72][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[mv_backup] a file written by master to the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] cannot be accessed on the node [{node72}{Sup7NQqXQVaT1maJ49ajpg}{AOI8z2v7QzeohCBSFoZHRA}{}{}{ml.enabled=true}]. This might indicate that the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] is not shared between this node and the master node or that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node];'], [mHR3zxDqQCqDvGNBxUF2tw, 'RemoteTransportException[[node73][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[mv_backup] a file written by master to the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] cannot be accessed on the node [{node73}{mHR3zxDqQCqDvGNBxUF2tw}{BwILk21wR4GlJaWDy-DHFg}{}{}{ml.enabled=true}]. This might indicate that the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] is not shared between this node and the master node or that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node];'], [XEgaW0CvQt-02VEczOmHoA, 'RemoteTransportException[[node71][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[mv_backup] a file written by master to the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] cannot be accessed on the node [{node71}{XEgaW0CvQt-02VEczOmHoA}{WMgwMgp_QLae61ux_xPqtA}{}{}{ml.enabled=true}]. This might indicate that the store [/home/sgpl/elasticsearch_backup] is not shared between this node and the master node or that permissions on the store don't allow reading files written by the master node];']]"
    "status": 500






  1. 権限変更
    RESTful APIが読み書きする為に必要

    sudo chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /mnt/repo

  2. NFS server install

    sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server

  3. exports設定

    sudo nano /etc/exports

    # (公開したいディレクトリ) (どのマシンに公開するか) (公開モード)

    /mnt/repo *(rw,async,no_root_squash)

  4. sudo exportfs -av

    exporting *:/mnt/es_repo


  1. NFS client install

    sudo apt install nfs-common

  2. mount用folder

    sudo mkdir /mnt/repo

  3. 権限変更

    sudo chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /mnt/repo

  4. 自動マウント

    sudo nano /etc/fstab {NFSサーバーIP}:/mnt/es_repo /mnt/repo nfs rw 0 0


  1. elasticsearch.ymlにRepositoryのPath追記

    path.repo: ["/mnt/repo"]
